
Many people experience anxiety at some point in their life. You know that feeling in your stomach/chest when you go to give a presentation in front of the whole class or the moments before writing that big test/exam. These are situations where it is relatively normal to experience anxiety. However, if we feel begin to feel anxious in several areas of our life for a prolonged amount of time, we begin to feel overwhelmed, lost, nervous and panic. We have a hard time calming down and relaxing because we are always “on”. Anxiety, at this point, has spilled over into multiple parts of our life and has become debilitating where its suddenly a challenge to simply cope with day to day activities. Here at West Ottawa Counselling, our therapists can help you with a wide range of anxiety, such as, nervousness, shyness, stress, social anxiety, panic attacks and fears etc. To help get it back to a functional level and away from a debilitating level.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us, we would be happy to answer any questions during a free 20-minute phone consultation.

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